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Faust Ⅰ & Ⅱ

©Zoé Aubry

By: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Staging: Nicolas Stemann

For anyone who hasn’t seen this yet – Nicolas Stemann’s Faust as our contemporary, and a radical individualist – this is your chance: Parts I and II as an almost nine-hour-long marathon, or if you want to leave earlier you can limit yourself to the first part. The devil will be whispering in your ear whatever you do.

This Faust has travelled far. It is one of the most important works of the two artistic directors of Schauspielhaus Zürich and was invited to the Berlin-based Theatertreffen festival in 2012. The magazine Theater Heute voted it production of the year, Benjamin von Blomberg was distinguished as dramaturge of the year, and Sebastian Rudolph was voted actor of the year. The jury for the 3sat prize at Theatertreffen explained their decision as follows: “Nobody has ever seen a production of Faust Ⅰ & Ⅱ like this one by Nicolas Stemann. His production itself is a Faustian event, a musing and exploration of what holds this drama together at the deepest level, and what it has to offer – for us today.” The fact that Faust appears as a contemporary today is unsettling, but this is the present that Goethe is talking about: a liberated society of radical individualists who are incapable of engaging in a community or collective forms of work. And the devil whispers in their years: be your own benchmark! This production, now enriched by a few extra years and experiences, will now be shown in Zurich at last in a new version at the Schauspielhaus.

Nicolas Stemann
Set Design
Thomas Dreissigacker, Nicolas Stemann
Marysol del Castillo
Costume design assistance
Sophia May
Thomas Kürstner, Sebastian Vogel, Burkhard Niggemeier, Sven Kaiser
Claudia Lehmann, Eike Zuleeg
Benjamin von Blomberg
Paulus  Vogt
Doll maker
Felix Loycke, Florian Loycke

Transferring from Thalia Theater Hamburg.
A Coproduction with Salzburger Festspiele.
Supported by Zürcher Kantonalbank.

  • 8 hours 35 minutes, incl. 3 breaks
  • Zürich-Premiere: 14. September 2019
  • With English surtitles
  • 🛈 Faust I: 14:00 bis 17:20
    Pause: ca. 17:20 bis 18:20

    Faust II dauert von ca. 18:20 bis 22:15,
    inkl. 2x 25 minütige Pausen

Image gallery & Videos

Bits on Pieces
More texts and contexts related to our stagings in the theatre’s journal.

Das Schauspielhaus Zürich gastierte zu Ostern in der Kirche Fraumünster. Am Samstag mit Szenen aus Faust I bei der Osternachtsfeier und am Sonntag las Sebastian Rudolph kurze Faust-Szenen in den drei Ostersonntags-Gottesdiensten. Der Regisseur und Videokünstler Yannik Böhmer hat das Geschehene dokumentiert. Die Dokumentation veröffentlichen wir, gemeinsam mit einem kurzen Text von Barbara Higgs, an dieser Stelle. 

Vom Himmel durch die Welt zur Hölle

Der Erfahrungsbericht von Rico Valär über die Premiere von Faust I & II.
