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© Sinje Hasheider

zum Programmheft

After Die Jungfrau von Orleans by Friedrich Schiller
Staging: Leonie Böhm

*** Note: the show on 11 November won't be surtitled in English. ***

Witch or saint, these are the irreconcilable judgements of Joan of Arc lore. At only 17 years of age, Joan sets out to  a world that was already thought lost. Her journey ends at the stake, hundreds of years later she is canonised again. Since then, her myth has been politically charged: as an icon of courageous idealism, as an example of fatal fanaticism or as a heroine who brings salvation. Joan is many things. Time and again, she serves as an image for all those young women who seem to single-handedly challenge the status quo, be it that of patriarchy, exploitative labour relations or climate policy.

In Schiller's "romantic tragedy", Johanna leads the French army against England through her firm faith - and by force - ultimately to victory. While in Schiller's work Johanna legitimises her actions with God, Leonie Böhm sees behind the myth of Johanna a human being who constantly transforms herself between powerlessness and omnipotence, doubt and wonder, her own visions and other people's projections, always in search of pose and in the endless hope of change.

Together with the ensemble, Leonie Böhm sets out in Johanna on a search for new beliefs that help us break through old systems and grow beyond ourselves and our previous certainties.


Live music
Fritzi Ernst
Leonie Böhm
Stage Design
Zahava Rodrigo
Costume Design
Magdalena Schön / Helen Stein
Fritzi Ernst
Björn Salzer
Helena Eckert
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Audience Development
Rona Schauwecker
Artistic Mediation T&S
Manuela Runge
Production Assistance
Annalisa Engheben / Sarah-Maria Hemmerling
Stage design assistance
Anton von Bredow
Costume design Assistance
Judith Behrendt / Renée Kraemer
Eva Willenegger
Katja Weppler
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A production of Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg in co-producion with Schauspielhaus Zürich.

In Zurich, Vincent Basse will take on the role of Josefine Israel for the following shows: 23 October and 2, 3, 7, 11 November as well as 12, 13 & 31 January.

  • 1h 20 Minutes
  • Zurich Premiere: 20 October 2023
  • English Surtitles
  • 🛈 Introduction 30 min before the play on 12.1., 22.1. and 31.1.

Image gallery & Videos

Bits on Pieces
More texts and contexts related to our stagings in the theatre’s journal.

Leonie Böhm sieht hinter dem Mythos Johanna einen Menschen, der sich zwischen Ohnmacht und Allmacht, Zweifel und Wunder, eigenen Visionen und fremden Projektionen ständig transformiert, immer auf der Suche nach Haltung und in der unendlichen Hoffnung auf Veränderung. Im Gespräch mit Helena Eckert stellt die Regisseurin ihren Zugang zum sogenannten Kanon dar, wie sich die Inszenierung von Johanna, die nun in Zürich zu sehen ist, von der ursprünglichen in Hamburg unterscheidet, und was die Regisseurin unter utopischem Theater versteht. 
