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Performers Rule: Soï

Painting by Bettina Krieg

Idee von Leila Vidal-Sephiha

Avoir perdu SOÏ – pour un moment. S’être éloigné de lui. Avoir oublié comment l’on s’y sent. Avoir l’impression que cela fait une éternité. Puis se mettre en quête. Le chercher. Se sentir, s’éprouver, se mouvoir en lui. Se recentrer. Se retrouver. Se reconnecter à lui. Respirer. Enfin. Vibrer. Ensemble. À l’unisson. Inventer de nouveaux mots. Dans la joie. La liberté. La légèreté.

SOÏ est bien là, réuni à toi. En accord. Sur le chemin de l’infini en soi.

Deux compagnon·nes de route. Un duo musical et corporel aéré. Une forme improvisée. Un dialogue par résonnance. Une recherche commune.


Having lost SOÏ - for a while. Having moved away from SOÏ. Having forgotten how it feels. It seems like an eternity has passed. And then to start searching. Looking for SOÏ. Feeling, experiencing, moving in SOÏ. Re-centering yourself. Finding yourself. Reconnecting with SOÏ. Breathing. At last. Vibrating. Together. In unison. Inventing new words. In bliss. In freedom. Lightness.

SOÏ is here, united with you. In agreement. On the path to the infinite within.

Two companions on the road. An airy musical and physical duet. An improvised form. A dialogue by resonance. A common search.



If a member of the ensemble wants to realize their own ideas without going through the theater management, Performers Rule is the place to do so. Leila Vidal-Sephiha, (former) production assistant, and Sereina Gläser, a dancer with a chronic physical condition and a psychological background, deal creatively with the invisibility of chronically ill people.

With Leila Vidal-Sephiha / Samuel Boutros
Leila Vidal-Sephiha
Stage Design
Eva Willenegger
Samuel Boutros
  • Premiere: 6. Januar 2023, Pfauen-Kammer

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