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SOS – Save our Souls


Every year, thousands of people drown in the Mediterranean Sea as they try to flee. Cabaret artist Gabriel Vetter, humourist Karpi, the band Siselabonga, Roger de Weck and others take the stage for SOS MEDITER- RANEE (rescue ship "Ocean Viking") — for people in distress at sea. Benefit evening with discussion on the situation in the Mediterranean, readings from the voices of the rescued, music and, despite everything, comedy.

With Gabriel Vetter / Luna Wedler / Karpi / Siselabonga / Julia Schaefermeyer / Noëmi Gradwohl / Roger de Weck / Brida von Castelberg
  • 1h 30min / after Apéro until 2pm
  • 8. December 2022
  • German and English