Panel: Racial Profiling
in Switzerland
What can be done against racial profiling? How can checks on people due to their ethnic origin be prevented? And what are the consequences of structural racism in Switzerland? These and other questions will be discussed by representatives of politics and society with Bullestress co-authors Fatima Moumouni and Laurin Buser as well as Tarek Naguib, a lawyer specialising in anti-discrimination law.
Brigitte Hürlimann (Gerichtsreporterin Republik)
Fatima Moumouni und Laurin Buser (Co-Autor*innen «Bullestress»)
Tarek Naguib (Jurist mit Schwerpunkt Antidiskriminierungsrecht)
Fabian Molina (Nationalrat SP)
Hannan Salamat (Zürcher Institut für interreligiösen Dialog, Fachleitung Islam)
«Einladung zum Dialog» Statement der Co-Intendanten
- 6 April 2022
- Free Entry