Titilayo Adebayo

Credits: Diana Pfammatter
Als eine Momentaufnahme individueller Seh- und Hörgewohnheiten begleitet die Serie Hyperlinks das Ensemble auf ihren Wegen durch das Internet. Dieses Mal mit Titilayo Adebayo.
von Mathis Neuhaus
erschienen am 25. März 2021
I’ve been doing a study into the ‹Black Fantastic› art movement. I heard of post-black, but I was curious about how I can become more attuned to recognising it.
I found this extract which made me curious about going deeper:
«Scholar Richard Iton explored two ideas - the ‹Black fantastic› and ‹Post-Blackness›. Ideally, the Black fantastic is the source of ‹minor-key sensibilities› that provide a basis for a substantive post-colonial imaginary and politics. Post-Blackness, on the other hand, has been used to describe both artistic and popular identity movements that aim to lift the ‹burden of representation› from Black artists or Black people generally. I argue that although those who fashion Post-Blackness as a popular identity movement divest it of much of its subversive force, at least one type of artistic Post-blackness enables the Black fantastic.»
Points of Departure
"Window Seat": Erykah Badu, Projective Cultural Politics, and the Obama Era by Emily Lordi
Afrofutures of Cosplay: Deviance and DIY in Black Fantastic Performance by Tobias C. Van Veen
Post Fantastic Connections
A possible example of a Black Fantastic work
As well as doing my casual study, I also have a few things I would love to share
Here is a cool mix of Frank Ocean and Tame Impala
A cool interview by Octavia Butler
I do this workout every now and then :D
I've also been creative myself. I'll share a photo collages I made from painting and photos in my photo albums and a video I put together with a mix by Frank Ocean. It’s called Restless. A simple gesture towards intimacy and the longing to feel community and connectivity