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Der Erfahrungsbericht zur Inszenierung Before the Sky Falls von Christiane Jatahy kommt von Davi Kopenawa und seinem Sohn Dário von den Yanomami, einer indigenen Gemeinschaft aus dem Norden Brasiliens. Im Oktober waren Davi und Dário Kopenawa für ihre politische Kampagnenarbeit in der Schweiz und, für ein Gespräch mit Christiane Jatahy, auch zu Gast im Schauspielhaus. Wir stellen die Videoaufnahme dieses Gesprächs hier in Gänze zur Verfügung und präsentieren ausserdem die Ausführungen der beiden als kondensierten Erfahrungsbericht des Premierenabends. 

Kali Malone – Mind Wandering

In 2018, Kali Malone, who will be joined by Stephen O'Malley and Lucy Railton to kick off the Graveyard Shift concert series at Pfauen on 18th November 2021, was interviewed by zweikommasieben. We are republishing the interview, which originally appeared in print, here. It provides a glimpse into the creative process of an artist whose practice relies on deep listening and subtle but effective gestures.


Fragen zu Gerechtigkeitsdiskursen, Handlungsmacht und einem schwarzen Panther an Claudia Lehmann, Marysol del Castillo und Benjamin von Blomberg – die Verantwortlichen für Bühnenbild & Video, Kostüme und Dramaturgie von der Inszenierung Der Besuch der alten Dame. Die Fragen wurden zwei Wochen vor der Premiere im September 2021 gestellt. Ein Teil der Antworten wurde auch im Programmheft zur Inszenierung publiziert.  

A Physical, Visceral Act of Peeling Away

Die Künstlerin und Kuratorin Deborah Joyce Holman hat sich Orpheus von Moved by the Motion angesehen und ihre Erfahrungen in einem Text festgehalten, der, im Geiste des stream of consciousness,  mäandernd verschiedenen Spuren folgt. 

Haptic Entanglements 2
an invitation to embodied consent practice

In a time of social distance, characterized by fear of touch and longing for closeness, it becomes clear that the theater is not only a place of hearing and seeing, but also one of manifold touches. In interviews, essays, and conversations, the Haptic Entanglements series asks about the role of touch in the performative arts. About haptic gazes, haptic sounds, and digital intimacy. In texts, questions and exercises, artist Joy Mariama Smith invites us to approach an embodied practice of constent that takes sensing together as its starting point and understands consent less as a contract than as a complex field of relations.

Haptic Entanglements
Organs of Touch
A mail conversation with
Laura U. Marks

In a time of social distance, characterized by fear of touch and longing for closeness, it becomes clear that the theater is not only a place of hearing and seeing, but also one of manifold touches. In interviews, essays, and conversations, the Haptic Entanglements series asks about the role of touch in the performative arts. About haptic gazes, haptic sounds, and digital intimacy. Organs of Touch is an email conversation with Laura U. Marks about haptic visuality in theater and performance.


Claudio Els, aktives Mitglied des Vereins «Die Feministen», hat die Premiere von Kurze Interviews mit fiesen Männern – 22 Arten der Einsamkeit besucht und teilt seine Erfahrungen zu 120 Minuten Mindfuck und Live-Sex nach David Foster Wallace. Seine Grundhaltung und das Hauptziel des Vereins: Die Feministen sprechen über all das, was Männer bis jetzt nicht hören wollten, nicht hören konnten, sich nicht mehr trauen zu fragen, aber unbedingt lernen und leben müssen.

Haptic Entanglements

In einer Zeit sozialer Distanz, die von Angst vor Berührung und Sehnsucht nach Nähe geprägt ist, wird deutlich, dass das Theater nicht nur ein Ort der Rührung, des Hörens und Sehens ist, sondern auch einer der vielfältigen Berührungen. Die Reihe Haptic Entanglements (etwa: haptische Verstrickungen) fragt in Interviews, Essays und Gesprächen nach der Rolle von Berührung in den performativen Künsten, nach tastenden Blicken, haptischen Klängen und digitaler Intimität. Der Auftakt von Rahel Spöhrer und Joshua Wicke geht der Geschichte der Berührung in den performativen Künsten bis in die Gegenwart nach und stellt schliesslich die einzelnen Positionen der Reihe vor.

Directors Talk:
Alexander Giesche
and Suna Gürler

With the series Directors Talk you can bring our in-house directors Alexander Giesche, Suna Gürler, Trajal Harrell, Yana Ross, Christopher Rüping, Nicolas Stemann, Wu Tsang, and co-artistic director Benjamin von Blomberg along with you into the productions of the 2021/22 season in eight conversations. During the second lockdown they met on Zoom to talk about here, now, and tomorrow, mainly in pairs and once round-robin. The conversations are part of the season preview, which presents the 2021/2022 season and is available now in all our venues, as well as free to order online.

Directors Talk:
Christopher Rüping and
Alexander Giesche

With the series Directors Talk you can bring our in-house directors Alexander Giesche, Suna Gürler, Trajal Harrell, Yana Ross, Christopher Rüping, Nicolas Stemann, Wu Tsang, and co-artistic director Benjamin von Blomberg along with you into the productions of the 2021/22 season in eight conversations. During the second lockdown they met on Zoom to talk about here, now, and tomorrow, mainly in pairs and once round-robin. The conversations are part of the season preview, which presents the 2021/2022 season and is available now in all our venues, as well as free to order online.

Directors Talk:
Trajal Harrell and
Christopher Rüping

With the series Directors Talk you can bring our in-house directors Alexander Giesche, Suna Gürler, Trajal Harrell, Yana Ross, Christopher Rüping, Nicolas Stemann, Wu Tsang, and co-artistic director Benjamin von Blomberg along with you into the productions of the 2021/22 season in eight conversations. During the second lockdown they met on Zoom to talk about here, now, and tomorrow, mainly in pairs and once round-robin. The conversations are part of the season preview, which presents the 2021/2022 season and is available now in all our venues, as well as free to order online.

Directors Talk:
Wu Tsang and Trajal Harrell

With the series Directors Talk you can bring our in-house directors Alexander Giesche, Suna Gürler, Trajal Harrell, Yana Ross, Christopher Rüping, Nicolas Stemann, Wu Tsang, and co-artistic director Benjamin von Blomberg along with you into the productions of the 2021/22 season in eight conversations. During the second lockdown they met on Zoom to talk about here, now, and tomorrow, mainly in pairs and once round-robin. The conversations are part of the season preview, which presents the 2021/2022 season and is available now in all our venues, as well as free to order online.

Directors Talk:
Yana Ross and Wu Tsang

With the series Directors Talk you can bring our in-house directors Alexander Giesche, Suna Gürler, Trajal Harrell, Yana Ross, Christopher Rüping, Nicolas Stemann, Wu Tsang, and co-artistic director Benjamin von Blomberg along with you into the productions of the 2021/22 season in eight conversations. During the second lockdown they met on Zoom to talk about here, now, and tomorrow, mainly in pairs and once round-robin. The conversations are part of the season preview, which presents the 2021/2022 season and is available now in all our venues, as well as free to order online.

Directors Talk:
Nicolas Stemann
and Yana Ross

With the series Directors Talk you can bring our in-house directors Alexander Giesche, Suna Gürler, Trajal Harrell, Yana Ross, Christopher Rüping, Nicolas Stemann, Wu Tsang, and co-artistic director Benjamin von Blomberg along with you into the productions of the 2021/22 season in eight conversations. During the second lockdown they met on Zoom to talk about here, now, and tomorrow, mainly in pairs and once round-robin. The conversations are part of the season preview, which presents the 2021/2022 season and is available now in all our venues, as well as free to order online.

Directors Talk: Suna Gürler
and Benjamin von Blomberg

With the series Directors Talk you can bring our in-house directors Alexander Giesche, Suna Gürler, Trajal Harrell, Yana Ross, Christopher Rüping, Nicolas Stemann, Wu Tsang, and co-artistic director Benjamin von Blomberg along with you into the productions of the 2021/22 season in eight conversations. During the second lockdown they met on Zoom to talk about here, now, and tomorrow, mainly in pairs and once round-robin. The conversations are part of the season preview, which presents the 2021/2022 season and is available now in all our venues, as well as free to order online.

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