Trigger warnings

Dear Audience,

We want to make exciting, unpredictable as well as sometimes boundary-pushing theatre for as many and different people as possible. As you all bring your own experiences to the theatre performance, you will experience each performance individually. Aware that some topics may trigger negative feelings in some of you, may be disturbing and/or hurtful, we provide certain productions with so-called trigger warnings (cautionary notes) when we classify their content as sensitive. Triggers are stimuli that can re-trigger the original trauma in people who have had a traumatic experience. To prevent this, we provide content warnings here and on the specific play pages without giving away "spoilers" or anticipating the plot. In this way, we offer our audiences the opportunity to feel prepared when watching a play that may be difficult for them without triggering too much pain.

Current productions with trigger warnings:

Gier, Staging: Christopher Rüping

Liebes Arschloch, staging: Yana Ross

Moise und die Welt der Vernunft, Staging: Alexander Giesche

Ödipus Tyrann, staging: Nicolas Stemann

If you would like further information about specific shows, our box office team will be happy to provide you with information at any time.


Your Schauspielhaus Zürich